Daily Schedule
Each classroom has a daily schedule based on their age, we will patiently teach each student a routine to follow alongside the rest of his/her classmates. Routine is good for kids as they begin to understand time and time management. They learn how to focus on one thing at a time, and how to transition to another with ease. Our schedule starts from the beginning of the day to the last moment they are at our center.

Weekly Curriculum
Our staff creates a weekly curriculum for the year which is approved by Texas Rising Star. Each day is different so our students never have the same activity again, it is based on their daily schedule and their age.A curriculum helps teachers intentionally use activities to teach specific skills. A weekly curriculum would consist of activities that addresses all areas of child development which are Social Emotional, Cognitive, Language, Literacy, Physical Health, Gross Motor, Math and Science.

Annual Training
Our Beginners World Learning Academy Team goes through an Annual Training, and monthly meetings to enhance their Teaching Skills. This training helps them receive new information and tools to provide a higher childcare quality.

Our staff are certified and trained on giving safe transportation to our students attending school. We provide transportation to schools in our community in the Klein ISD. Parents can choose if they need transportation for their child(ren) back and forth or only in the morning or afternoon.

Homework Help
For our “Schoolers” Program our Teachers will provide help on homework for those students that need it. It could be from math, science, reading, English and more our teacher will always be prepared to help students do their homework.

Free Meals
The Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP) helps us provide our students 4 healthy free meals ( Breakfast , Lunch, PM Snack and Supper). Everyday all meals are different based on our 4-Week menu which is approved by the CACFP.